It is a process of awareness and personal development taught by an accredited coach, which aims to improve on the capitalization of each professional, allowing him/her to achieve additional results in his professional or business life.
Those that each (Company/Employee) is firmly committed to achieving and, obviously, as long as one acts accordingly. It is essential to incorporate new approaches and awareness, since the Coaching process will highlight the potential that each professional has. The results agreed to can be obtained by changing attitudes and behavior.
In the business/professional sphere generically in the following situations:
At Serviselect, we firmly believe in the capabilities of the people who work in companies. We believe that each professional in his job canmake a special contribution, which together with the rest of the company’s employees, will make it possible to achieve global objectives.
At Serviselect, we are specialists in detecting these special values of professionals through our Executive Coaching processes, making them emerge and getting them to align and synchronize with those of the rest of the organization.
All this process is followed by compliance to the confidentiality agreements made by the parties involved: Employee, Company and Serviselect.